"That day you were telling me something..."
DATE : Saturday, May 8, 2010
TIME : 7:10:00 PM
SUBJECT : A rat~

Let's leave arest the long duration it took me to get back to sewing again.
This is my latest work, took me about 6 hours separated by several breaks on the phone and checking music updates...

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DATE : Thursday, May 6, 2010
TIME : 11:30:00 PM
SUBJECT : Volcano!



TIME : 11:16:00 PM
SUBJECT : Lines, Lines, Lines

I feel the bright sun shine! Real, fresh and alive!

Doing what I love and am maintaining it, it's a far away cry from the depression state that I was going through 3 years that made me crippled and uncaring to my own talent.
It feels like a dream to think that I actually stopped from drawing for a long period time...

The progress that I see now? Excellent! I have but God, my dear friend Dochan and Kuchi to thank for lending me support and remind me how brave I can be. Thank you!

SO! What /am/ I working on? I created my first CD cover as a gift for a colleague of mine in class, ask me why I did so? I think she's amazing, so yeh... It's nothing gay, I'm just platonicaly impressed? Hehe yeh something like that.

You might notice but I can only sketch... I rarely color (The cd cover was a MIRACLE in itself!)
Pencils are just a joy to use!


TIME : 10:53:00 PM

Do you like learning languages? I do.
My interests are in Japanese, Hebrew, Viatnamese and Greek.
I've been self-learning Japanese for 4 years now, what got me interested?
Not animation, mangas. Nooo, I'm special (being REALLY sarcastic, do apologize the arrogance!)
I like kanji.
I really, really love kanji characters!
I love the stroke lines, the order, the meaning with a extra stroke or lacking off.
It's wonderful, playing puzzles with characters is just so me.
So I'm actually studying them so I can do calligraphy with them, speaking of calligraphy...
My friends' name (Arabic language):


TIME : 9:34:00 PM
SUBJECT : Books.

Just as I got a new book by Haruki Murakami,
I get another book by Tolkier by my acquitance Flora Unger, you're wonderful!
Thanks so much.
This happened 3 weeks ago mind you...

I managed to finish Kafka on the Shore despite my reluctance to end such a great story!
The style is very alien to me making it a truly fresh read.
I believe I'm slightly changed because of it. Hehe.

This is how you'd usually find me at the university's library, going through the pages of comic history, poetry collection...
There was this one book about the history of puppets! It was SO interesting!


TIME : 6:48:00 PM
SUBJECT : Don't be Potatoes!

Life is in no way was faulty, therefore I have but my slothness to blame for my no-update status!
I seriously have to quit being such an idle couch.
Being a potato coach would be underestimating it... Haha!

14.MAR.2010: Me and my best friend Dochan were invited by the Japanese embassy to attend a special dinner at Kei restaurant, attended by others and some Japanese students studying Arabic language and culture in my university
(Saki san, Hitomi san, Takura san -cant's remember the last ones' name... Sorry!)
Let me tell you, the food was delicious!!!
Being half orient it wasn't a disgust to look at the food; unlike the reactions to some others.... (Dochan was very brave and actually found it pleasant to the sight and scent! She's great!)
Basically, they brought us this large bento box (A lunch box) filled with small trays with their own special corner holding little watery food to choose from.
A combination of good company, pleasant scenery, music and the rain falling in the night light background (and of course, food) set the evening on the right track.

I'm posing with Saki san, as for Dochan she's with Hitomi san. Thank you ladies, we had fun!

I dont recall the Japanese name of my favorite dish here...
(it's the one in the upper right corner, the black little seaweeds! YUM!).
I suppose oden would be my second favorite, tastes so much like a dish my mother makes in the holidays.
(oden is the one in the upper center).


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